Recruitment/SRF/JRF positions

Abstract submission date for PSSI PSC 2024 has been extended till 31st May 2024

10th PSSI - Plasma Scholars Colloquium

(PSSI-PSC 2024)

July 04 - 06, 2024 at IIT Delhi, New Delhi

The Plasma Science Society of India (PSSI) initiated the Plasma Scholars’ Colloquium series in 2012, and it has been held annually ever since. The primary goal of this colloquium is to create an exclusive platform for UG/PG students, research scholars, and post- doctoral fellows working in the field of plasma science and technology to have extremely thorough and exhaustive interactions among themselves and help each other in their research endeavors. The colloquium will primarily have the student community giving oral and poster presentations with a few seminal talks by eminent plasma

scientists across the country.


Click for more details...


Industrial Visit


PSSI Lecture Series

Announcing the launching of the Plasma Science Society of India (PSSI) online Lecture Series (initially bi-monthly), with the inaugural lecture of 2024 Kaw Legacy Award Winner, Prof. Gianluca Sarri, The Queen's University Belfast, UK. Please find attached details of this inaugural Lecture.


This is being initiated by the Executive Council of PSSI 2024-25, as part of their outreach program to take plasma science and technology to all parts of the country and popularize its utility for national, societal and industrial applications.


We request your support in popularizing this initiative to all interested UG / PG / doctoral / post-doctoral students, researchers and academicians across the country as well as on an International forum.


For More Details:Click here

Click to read Comic Book on Plasma

"Wondeful World of Plasma"



Click to read Prof. P.I. John's e-book

"Experiments with Plasmas"



Click to read Prof. P.I. John's e-book 

"Plasma Sciences and the Creation of Wealth"

IPR Outreach Division organizes exhibition-cum-training programs on "Plasma, its Applications & Nuclear Fusion" at various locations across the country. Interested institutions may contact IPR Outreach for details <>


Click for information on hosting IPR's Plasma Exhibition at your Institution

Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies

Division of Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP)

India is now a member of AAPPS-DPP and members of PSSI wanting to join this group are requested to contact Secretary, PSSI at <> for recommendation for membership to AAPPS-DPP

Past PLASMA conferences - Memories

Indian Plasma Physics Preprint Server is a, free e-print server to promote open access to scientific articles and literature. Authors are welcome to submit their work that belong to the subject area of Plasma Science and Technology or related areas of interest to the Plasma and Fusion Science community.


PSSI members are requested to make use of this preprint repository.


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